YWALC is a vaccine positive and mask friendly space and in being such, as a Board, we are ensuring the health and well-being of our members, staff, volunteers, instructors, guests and the community at large. YWALC has COVID/Flu/Infectious Illness Protocols in place which are subject to change in accordance with the Province of Ontario’s directives, as such, please contact us should you have any questions or concerns.  

Current protocols are as follows:
YWALC requires all individuals who enter the centre for any reason to complete a self assessment prior to coming to the Centre.  If you are experiencing any flu like symptoms, please stay home and return 24hrs after symptoms have shown signs of improvement.  Effective March 1, 2023, when you come to the Centre, you will no longer need to wear a mask. The exceptions are masks are required when participating in the transportation program or if you choose to wear a mask. YWALC will remain a mask friendly Centre.  Vaccine passports are not needed.   

What is YWALC doing to keep you safe?
All communal spaces are equipped with air purifiers.  High contact surfaces are wiped down.  Hired cleaning services provide thorough cleaning throughout the centre.  

We thank you for your understanding, your patience and your co-operation as we all do our part to make the community safer. 

If you require help with booking an appointment to receive a vaccination, downloading your COVID-19 vaccination record or any questions, please reach out to any staff member.

Stay safe, healthy and active,