Our members are amazing!  Thank you for your continued support and cooperation over the last few years as we worked hard to keep everyone safe.  Given our current environment, at a recent Board meeting, it was decided that effective March 1, 2023, we will move to a masking optional with exceptions model.  What does this mean for you?  When you come to the Centre, you will no longer need to wear a mask. The exceptions are masks are required when participating in the transportation program or if you choose to wear a mask. YWALC will remain a mask friendly Centre. This is a big step for us all however, we feel it is the right time to do so.  As we move into this phase, it is now more imperative then ever to self-assess at home and if you are not feeling well and /or are experience any of the following new or worsening symptoms, please stay home:

sore throat                                       shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

runny nose                                       temperature equal to or more than 38°C

sneezing                                          cough

feeling feverish                                chills

fatigue or weakness                        muscle or body aches

new loss of smell or taste               headache

abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting

feeling very unwell


Once again thank you members, volunteers, instructors, fellow Board members and of course our amazing staff – our Centre could not be the wonderful and vibrate place it is without YOU!

Vera Nazareth                                                Suzanne Teixeira
Chair, Board of Directors                               Executive Director


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