This family event raises funds that come directly to YWALC.
Participants will be walking 2K or 5K, in and around Weston. The starting point will be YWALC, rain or shine. If you are unable to register for the walk, you can help by sponsoring the walk.
How to Sponsor:
To sponsor the walk, you can send a cheque by mail to YWALC 1901 Weston Rd. Weston, ON M9N 3P5 please write in the memo portion of your cheque (walkathon or walk), pay by credit card, for sponsorships of $20.00 or more, over the phone (call during office hours and speak to Joanne, Danna or Suzanne), or you can drop off a sponsorship at our reception (a mask is a must for drop off).
For online donations go to , under the word FUND click the drop down menu and select Stay Active, Be Fit, Live Well Walkathon
How to Register to Walk:
Registration forms are available at YWALC or contact Joanne at 416-245-4395 ext. 225 or by email at, Joanne will be happy to email, mail or arrange to get you a registration form.
Registration is $10.00 for older adults 55+ and children 14 and under, $20.00 for
adults 15 – 54 and $40.00 for families.
Every little bit does help! With a donation of $20.00 or more you will receive a charitable tax receipt. |